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Polda Riau Gelar Doa Bersama Lintas Agama Dalam Rangka Hari Bhayangkara ke 77

Jum'at, 30 Juni 2023 | 19:10 WIB
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Polda Riau Gelar Doa Bersama Sambut HUT Polri (Foto Banda HT)

Pekanbaru Welcoming the 77th Bhayangkara Day in 2023, the Riau Police held a joint interfaith prayer at the Tribrata Building, 5th Floor of the Riau Police Headquarters, Jalan Patimura, Pekanbaru, Friday (30/06/2023).

Present at the event were the Riau Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Mohammad Iqbal, Wakapolda, Brigadier General Kasihan Rahmadi, all key Riau Police officials, the Governor of Riau represented by Assistant I, Masrul Kasmi, Forkopimda Riau, interfaith leaders and other invited guests.

The event began with a joint interfaith prayer from the Headquarters level which was held simultaneously throughout Indonesia virtually which was opened directly by the National Police Chief General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo and attended by the TNI Commander, Admiral Yudo Margono.

Kemudian acara dilanjutkan dengan tausiah agama yang disampaikan oleh ustat Syafrinaldi.

Usai acara tausiah, acara dilanjutkan dengan doa bersama dari masing-masing tokoh agama baik agama Islam, Khonghucu, Hindu, Budha, Kristen maupun Katolik. Secara bergantian mereka memberikan doa menurut keyakinan masing-masing untuk Polri, khususnya Polda Riau.

Kapolda Riau, Irjen Pol Mohammad Iqbal dalam sambutannya mengatakan, kegiatan Doa bersama ini digelar dalam rangka menyambut hari Bhayangkara ke 77."Kegiatan Doa bersama lintas Agama ini merupakan Rangkaian Kegiatan Hari Bhayangkara ke-77," kata Kapolda Riau.

Kapolda juga mengatakan doa bersama ini digelar sebagai wujud pengamalan Pancasila dan ketakwaan kepada Tuhan YME, serta sebagai pemersatu keberagaman suku dan agama.

Inspector General Iqbal hoped that the religious leaders who were present would pray for the National Police to get better.

"We also ask for prayers that the Police can become an institution that is increasingly trusted by the public, of course all the behavior of real work carried out by the Police is oriented towards community service." he said

The Regional Police Chief also asked for prayers and support from religious leaders and the community so that in securing the 2024 elections it can run safely and successfully.

"Hopefully, at the age of 77, the National Police will be more professional in serving the community optimally and prioritizing humanism," he concluded.

Editor : Banda Haruddin Tanjung

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